Milestone Reunions are the anniversary classes’ time to shine! They are occasions for alumnae to commemorate their place in alma mater’s history, reflect on what their student and alumnae experience has meant to them, and renew their ties with their classmates and the AADC. Reunions are about reminiscing but also about reconnecting. Milestone classes focus their fundraising efforts to increase the financial support provided to the AADC. Alumnae involvement and financial support are essential in allowing the AADC to provide tailored programs and initiatives for the diverse alumnae community, and to support the general operations which provide a best-in-class alumnae organization.
Through the AADC you are part of a vibrant, powerful sisterhood that educates, empowers, and engages all alumnae through their lifetimes. It is only through annual alumnae giving that the AADC is able to seize unique opportunities which empower and strengthen our sisterhood.
All outright contributions to the AADC from alumnae during the current fiscal year and preceding four fiscal years (July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2017) will count in the Class Gift totals announced at Reunion Convocation. After the proud procession of milestone classes into the chapel, your class officers will announce your grand total and participation rate. Sister alumnae of all classes will hear the impact of your class.
Contributions via cash, credit cards, securities, real estate, life insurance, and gifts–in-kind to the AADC are all included in the class gift total. The Annual Appeal is not on behalf of NJC, DRC, Douglass, or Rutgers. Since Milestone Class Gift totals are announced at Reunion, giving early in the fiscal year is encouraged and appreciated.
All members of milestone classes are asked and encouraged to significantly increase support to the AADC during the class’ milestone year.